Yeah, I write. Catch up with me on twitter.
Building a Chatroom Web App with Hasura
May 15, 2020Learn how to build a Chatroom Web App powered with a GraphQL API using Hasura & React
Yoctosehns Software Architecture
April 26, 2020The software architecture of Yoctosehns, a cattle monitoring system.
GSoC 2019 Documented
November 09, 2019A detailed summary of my Google Summer of Code 2019 project. What I did, where I struggled and how I tackled it.
Web Development on Windows
March 24, 2019In popular belief, Windows is not preferred to do web development on and for that matter any kind of development. But honestly, this has changed over the years as Windows has matured into what it is today.
Mistakes I Made in My First React App
January 24, 2019I decided to write this article for all the people starting out with new React projects, in hope that it helps them in some way.